01 July 2006


[Hold on a moment while I check my cell phone to see if the realtor called.]

Okay, where was I?

Oh yeah, just starting out.

So, as I said yesterday, the wife and I made an offer on another house.

[Oh. I should probably check the landline for messages. Perhaps the realtor called that number instead of my cell. Hang on a sec.]

Sorry ‘bout that.

The new house is really quite lovely. At least we think so. It is amazing the amount and variety of opinions that arise when one brings up buying a house. Especially when it comes to feelings about neighborhoods.

[I should probably check my email again. All three addresses.]

[The wife’s too.]

[Cell phone again, just in case.]

Unfortunately, since it is a holiday weekend, the usual procedure for making an offer is a bit off. Since half of our sadly necessary legal team is away, the listing agent left town this morning, and we have no idea if the seller is available, we have given them a week to respond.

[Was that the landline ringing? Pardon me for a moment.]

Hence, I am somewhat obsessed with my communication devices. There was an hour or so this morning when I just sat at the kitchen table staring at the silent cell phone that lay there inert next to my morning coffee.

[Email again. Cell phone?]

[Crap. How long has it been since I checked the wife’s email? Better do that again too.]

This, somewhat pathetically, is my day. I expect the next several days will follow in much the same path, though with ever increasing anticipatory angst.

[Still no messages. Ring you damnable phone!]

Okay. This typing is seriously cutting into my phone watching and email checking time.

[Good idea. I’ll just make a quick round of all the devices. Be right back. I promise.]



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