Thus, I shall try to find something interesting and productive to say about this year’s biennial – that bastion of conservative avant-gardism [yeah, you tell me how to spell that one if you think you know better].
And it actually isn’t that hard. Pretty early on in my meandering through the show I came across a piece I found myself actually liking – a rarity for me I must admit: Frederick Douglass Self-Defense Manual Series, Infinite Step Escape Technique #1: Hand Seeks Cotton by Dawolu Jabari Anderson [see above]. This artist is new to me, and I must say a good find on the part of the Whitney. I find the few drawings I can find of him out there in web-land to be absolutely charming, which is exactly what makes them so powerful. Their self-reflexive processes speak with great subtlety of the ways in which race – and the mainstream celebration thereof – is so often packaged as and reduced to those assumptions the celebration is meant to dispel.
For all they ways these pieces attempt to dismiss themselves, to render themselves mundane – especially in the presence of the self-important projections of art that fill the galleries of the biennial – they only assert themselves all the more. They present that rare and astute wedding of materiality and message, speak in those subtle tones that resonate as though custom-made for the acoustics of whatever room you are in.
So, the rest of the art world can have the grandiose installations, the self-important video works, the derelict and dilapidated sculptures and the rest of the hauntingly abstract and/or figurative. Just leave me these pieces. Offer me a small side gallery, a few of these, and a little extra time to stick around and I will be happy – or at least something that resembles that as I resist the urge to crack my knuckles again.
And to all of you out there in the area of NYC, I suggest you swing by the Whitney and check this guy out. In my book he’ll be worth the general bother of shouldering through yet another biennial. I may even have to pack up the wife and make the little road-trip down to the city to take my own advice. Perhaps if I ever get this call – hint, hint, to School #1 – I will have reason for a celebratory adventure – a word that the wife tells me comes from the Old French aventurer meaning to happen, which makes sense of a lot about a lot of medieval adventures. But for more on that you shall have to implore the wife to start her own blog.
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