As I said, I want to try something. I want to attempt an exquisite corpse blog post. For those of you who don’t know what an exquisite corpse is, take a gander at the one I lifted off the web. [This one was posted by Erin Dierking of the Louisville public school system, to give credit where credit is due.]
An exquisite corpse is a drawing or piece of writing or whatnot done by three or more people with each person only seeing the ending fragment of the previous person’s contribution. I want to attempt this blog-style. I am not quite sure how it would be arranged – I am sure I can figure out a randomization process and an email chain for passing the fragments without the whole thing falling apart or devolving into a hideous spam ring. Maybe each person doesn’t necessarily have to have a blog of their own, simply a place on the web where they can post and supply a URL for it to be found – what odd places might be discovered. Then, perhaps, I’ll set a date for posting, each post linking to the next in the chain.
This may be silly, perhaps pointless, or even stupid. But, still, I want to try. When the wife and I were visiting the wife’s mother, we did exquisite corpse drawings with the wife’s mother’s foster child. It amazed me how much joy and wonder it held for him, even the pride in participating in something larger than himself, the amazement at what unimaginable thing would result.
Not that I propose this to emulate that experience. I am quite sure we are all far too jaded and cynical to experience that again. But, nonetheless, I am interested. Perhaps this also stems from my fascination with peoples comments to posts on blogs, the addenda produced, relationships extended, and tangents explored.
There is something that draws me to this. The possibility of someone participating by posting their contribution on a dating site, or a fake help-wanted add, or through a comment on someone else’s blog, tt would assumedly move from writing to image, audio, and/or video and back and forth [all potentials that intrigue me, so long as they don’t become abusive]. This seems an inevitable by-product of blogs, of the web itself perhaps. I am sure this is nothing new, but alas, I still want to try it.
Actually, this is largely reinvention of a project I have been thinking about for about five years: URL poetry. Poems that consist entirely of a series of URLs, compiled to create a shifting metaphor set, ones that must remain open to changes in the listed pages’ content,links that may extend from the originally included, or even those URLs' removal from the web entirely. I have never gotten around to these; I am not sure I am really even interested in these beyond the premise.
But this, the online exquisite corpse writing project – let’s call it – I want to try.
So… I ask you dear readers, to take part. Drop me an email at contact@fourinchesofego.com to join the experiment, or leave a comment here. Give me an email address and I will keep you updated as far as when this gets off the ground. Go forward and recruit; seeing as this is the web, size constraints are not a problem. This is something that can even extend through time, perhaps even loop upon itself – or better yet spiral in an endless game of telephone [I’m sure you remember that one too].
With that said, I guess I shall await you, dear readers, and for your participation.
I am so effin' in. Sign me up.
Right On!
A few more people and I can get this rolling. Now I am thinking it could just be a self-perpetuating thing, with new contributors getting mixed in as they arrive.
You Rule.
What about you P-S Man???
Poking-Stick Man would gladly comply, but he lacks a place online where he could post his contributions. Poking-Stick Man is disheartened and has consequently resorted to referring to himself entirely in the third person.
Come on P-S Man, you can be creative, find a place to join the fun...
over here in Brooklyn, yo, we know what to do with a good corpse!
the east river mayhaps???
are you signing up???
Gowanus Canal, baby! Sign me up! Although, in truth, I think I only have two inches of ego. Is that enough to write in public?
I thought about this a lot on my travels. Perhaps the thing to do would be to name an exquisite corpse "overseer" who would be in charge of collecting the lines and sending on the only one that the next person is supposed to see. That overseer person would be piling them into a single document. Unfortunately, this would mean that the overseer person would see the exquisite corpse getting built, bit by bit, and it would involve some investment of time.
I have been thinking about this extensively as well, and -- in consultation with the moderately technophoc wife -- believe I am rather close to a very workable model. I will share suggestions right soon. But, in preview, the model is somewhat close to that without the problem of the overlord seeing it build.
Poking-Stick Man is encouraged by these developments and reaffirms his commitment to this project. Poking-Stick Man nonetheless continues to write about himself in the third person because he is a perverse creature.
About all of this--including Ttractor's participation and P-S M's third-personning himself, I have just one thing to say: BADASSTASTIC.
I have recruited a couple of more from up here in Hamilton land. I still think we need to get a few more involved, so y'all should feel free to make some invites. I will post the official process soon.
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